The Untold History of Europe

The critically acclaimed three volume series that details everything about European society and mentality during the Middle Ages from 700 A.D. to 1700 A.D.

A Series by Keenan Booker

Kicked Out of Heaven

Vol. I, II,III

Volume I contains: The first chapter of Volume I gives a detailed description of Natural Disasters and Weather conditions that changed sporadically throughout the course of 1000 years. Many famines and plagues resulted from the unpredictable weather patterns. The people had to resort to cannibalism, in order to survive these atrocious circumstances. A comprehensive description of the Medieval Judicial & Law system is provided. An Executioners personal diary from the 1500’s is examined to give a view of the intricate nature of the criminals and the lawlessness of the times. Some of these crimes involve mass murders and rapes. In this 585 page book there is over 150 pages dedicated to the punishment of criminals, which would be considered as Torture to the modern day point of view. The Old European styles of diet such as reversed eel or blood puddings is described and are still prevalent today. The Nobles traded goods in the market, while the dice and card games started brawls in the local pubs. Different marriage customs are outlined, as well as child birth.


Volume II contains: There was an Epidemic of Alcoholism that tormented Europeans throughout the entire Medieval time period. The Mental health issues that occurred in Old Europe were termed as “Insanity” and was a rampant occurrence. Their medical practices were well documented and provided here in this volume. There is a possibility that Lead Poisoning played a big part in incorporating a standard level of madness. The fungi Ergot, which is the base chemical for the modern day drug L.S.D infected the people without them knowing and there are many odd experiences that were documented, they are provided in this book. Manias became social practices that are witnessed in people’s behavior today. Some of these Manias include: The Dancing Mania, The Defloration Mania and The Tulip Mania. The Black Death which is also called The Bubonic Plague occurred in 1347, anywhere from 25 – 150 Million people died. Magic was taken very seriously during the Medieval times, as is witnessed in our modern day Disney films. Witchcraft and The Witch Burnings that occurred for over 500 years are well examined.


Volume III contains: The artifacts of Jesus and also many Incorruptible Saints are shown in pictures in this book. The First part of this volume goes over The Catholic Church’s history during the Dark Ages & Medieval Times. These are a some of the things that are discussed: The Castrati (Castrated Boy Choir), Holy Blood & Organs, Jesus’s Holy Prepuce (Foreskin), The Penance & Anathema, The Fish Bishop, Saints that Levitate, The Incorruptible Saints, The Nun Manias, All Religious Holidays explained, The Heretics: The Luciferians and The Spanish Inquisition. The 2nd part of the book are the pictures, paintings, wood -cuts, carvings, antiques and artifacts that further prove activities and events that are talked about in Vol. I and II. The things you will see in this book are very real and have been hidden all across the planet in very odd places, but mainly Europe. In this Volume there is more evidence of the The Blacks worshipped by Catholics, Saints Relics, The catacomb Saints, Churches made of Human bones, Images of Hell, Satan, Witches, Astrology & Alchemy. In this Volume there are many artifacts that provide evidence of such social conditions.


All Three Volumes

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Excellent Read”

All encompassing look at Old Europe.
Brandon Stowe

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Absolutely a must own for all people of the planet earth”

Absolutely a must own for all people of the planet earth, the amount of work the author has shown, the amount of detail is second to none! I own many pieces of literature but this is something very special.
Sofia Caro

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Good Read”

This book gives you a lot of insight on the history of Europe and how and why the world is the way it is right now!!!